Buy a gift voucher!

Support your favorite hotels or restaurants by purchasing a gift voucher and help them through these difficult times. This voucher gives you (or the one who receives it) something great to look forward to!

Powered by to support the hospitality industry during the Corona crisis. Together we can beat this!

How does it work?

Step 1

Find your favorite restaurant, hotel, B&B or vacation rental.

Step 2

Support your favorite place by buying a gift voucher.

Step 3

Enjoy your meal or stay after the crisis has passed and life is back to normal.

New participants

Are you a restaurant owner?
Do you run a hotel, B&B or vacation rental?

As a hospitality technology provider, our heart goes out to all hospitality professionals during the Corona crisis. To support you, we’ve created Younight. This platform gives you the opportunity to promote and sell online gift vouchers in an organised and easy way.

We encourage all property owners to register. Younight is a free platform, open towards all hospitality professionals, (whether you’re a) Stardekk client or not.

It’s quick, easy, safe and free... and helps you through these difficult times.